The Hook Norton Charitable Association (HNCA)

The Hook Norton Charitable Association serves to raise money for local and national causes. The main annual fundraising activity organised by HNCA is Music at the Crossroads, which has raised more than £90,000 since 2001. National charities supported by the HNCA include Blood Cancer UK (previously known as Bloodwise, and Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research), the Fire Fighters Charity and Air Ambulance. Donations are also made to local organisations and groups.

Our principal charity

We’re a community dedicated to beating blood cancer. We do this by funding research and supporting those affected. Since 1960, we’ve invested over £500 million in blood cancer research, transforming treatments and saving lives. Right now, our community is funding 360 researchers and staff across the UK who are searching for the next breakthrough. The day we will beat blood cancer is now in sight and our researchers are determined to finish the job. 

As well as looking for a cure in the future, we’re here for people when they need someone to talk to. Whether on the phone or online, we offer health information people can trust, in a language they can understand. 

We also campaign for change, helping to make sure that people get the healthcare they deserve and that new treatments that come from research breakthroughs are available on the NHS. 


Since 2001 we have also donated to;

136 Sqn ATC
Air Ambulance
BARKS – dog trust
Blue Cross
Cancer Research
Carry on Learning
Chipping Norton Hospital
Churchill Hospital Oxford
Dogs For The Disabled
Fire Fighters Charity
Friends of HN Library
Great Rollright School
Helen & Douglas House
HN Allotment Association
Hook Norton Baptist Church
Hook Norton Baptist Church-Holiday Club
Hook Norton Beavers
Hook Norton Brownies
Hook Norton Care Group
Hook Norton Community Morning
Hook Norton Cricket Club
Hook Norton Cub Scouts
Hook Norton Football club
Hook Norton Guides
Hook Norton Low Carbon Group
Hook Norton Netball Club
Hook Norton News Letter
Hook Norton Players
Hook Norton Playground
Hook Norton Preschool Playgroup
Hook Norton Primary School
Hook Norton Rainbows
Hook Norton Village Museum
Hook Norton Widows
Hook Norton Youth Groups
Hooky Neighbours
Karate club (Mark Annett Martial Arts)
Katharine House Hospice
Lee Stratford Community Trust
Lets Play Project
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research
Old Hooky Football Team
Out Of School club
Ranger guide unit
Red Cross
Sibford Scout group
Hook Norton Sports and social club
St Peters Church
St Peters Youth Group
Sunshine Centre Banbury Food Bank
Ukraine Fund
Village Defibrillator
Welcome club
Womens Institute